URC experts in TB from Uganda and the Philippines are pleased to share their experience and knowledge at the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2022, taking place virtually from November 8-11.
Following the conference theme of “Combating Pandemics – Today & Tomorrow,” our program implementers and researchers will discuss timely topics.
Join the conference conversation on social media by using the hashtag: #URCUnionConf
Oral Presentations

Edgardo Gonzaga
Municipal Health Officer (Cainta, Rizal Province), USAID TB Platforms
Tuesday, November 8, 11:53am–12:01pm (UTC+2)
Session OA-01 Digital Innovations to Improve TB Control

Nicholas Kirirabwa
former Program Performance Management Specialist, USAID Defeat TB
Tuesday, November 8, 12:01–12:09pm (UTC+2)
Session OA02-215-08 Strengthening National and Global Policies: Lessons Learnt

Rhodora Cruz
Field Operations Manager, USAID TB Platforms
Tuesday, November 8, 12:59–13:07pm (UTC+2)
Session OA-05: Improvements in Access to Care

Herbert Kisamba
former Technical Advisor for Urban TB & CSO Program, USAID Defeat TB
Tuesday, November 8, 3:33–3:40pm (UTC+2)
Session OA06-243-08: How Could We Improve Contact Investigation?

Mark Darren F. Cacanindin
Health Systems Strengthening Sustainable Financing Coordinator, USAID TB Platforms
Friday, November 11, 11:45–11:53am (UTC+2)
Session OA-02: Strengthening National and Global Policies: Lessons Learnt

Kenneth Mutesasira
former Senior Technical Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Friday, November 11, 11:53am–12:01pm (UTC+2)
Session OA28-407-11 Find and Treat: the Hurdles and How to Overcome

Nicholas Kirirabwa
former Program Performance Management Specialist, USAID Defeat TB
Friday, November 11, 3:29–3:37pm (UTC+2)
Session OA31-427-11 Community-Centered, Rights-Based, and Gender-Responsive TB Care

Michael Abwot
former Quality Improvement Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Improving Sputum Follow-Up and TB Cure Rate Using Quality Improvement Approaches: Lessons from Namutumba HCIII in Namutumba District
EP-15-743 (available November 8)

Christine Joy Candari
Monitoring and Learning Officer, USAID TB Platforms
Assessment of Tuberculosis Awareness and Perceptions among Four Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Communities in the Philippines
EP-31 Not One Size Fits All! (available November 8)

Enock Kizito
former MDR TB Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Implementation of Active Drug Safety and Monitoring (aDSM) in the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT): Early Learning from Uganda
EP-14-737 (available November 8)

Kenneth Mutesasira
former Senior Technical Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Addressing Loss to Follow Up and Mortality among Patients Receiving Treatment for Drug-Resistant TB; Lessons from Uganda
EP-14-740 (available November 8)

Kenneth Mutesasira
former Senior Technical Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
From a TB Patient to a ‘TB Warrior’: A Case Study from Kampala, Uganda
EP-27-865 (available November 8)

Kenneth Mutesasira
former Senior Technical Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Using the Continuous Quality Improvement Collaborative Approach to Address the Low Tuberculosis Treatment Success Rate: Lessons from Uganda
EP-01-609 (available November 8)

Hellen Namwanje
former Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Effect of Continuous Mentorship at TB Diagnostic and Treatment Units in the National HMIS Reporting System in Kampala, Wakiso, and Mukono Districts
EP-19-790 (available November 8)

Hellen Namwanje
former Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Electronic Case-Based Surveillance System (Drug-Resistant TB Program): Improving Drug-Resistant TB Reporting Rates in Uganda
EP-23-827 (available November 8)

Hellen Namwanje
former Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Improving the Quality of Data on MDR-TB – Role of Data Quality Mentorship at MDR Sites in Uganda
EP-24-835 (available November 8)

John Paul Otuba
former MDR TB Advisor, USAID Defeat TB
Treatment Outcomes among Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Treated with All-Oral Regimens in Uganda. A Retrospective Cohort Review
EP-14-736 (available November 8)

Kristian Paul Soliven
Community Mobilization Coordinator, USAID TB Platforms
Increasing Child TB Patient Finding during the COVID-19 Pandemic through a Story-Based Social and Behavior Change Campaign in Bataan, Philippines
EP-28 Key Affected Populations and Person-Centered Care (available November 8)