Development of Harmonized Minimum Standards for the Prevention, Treatment, and Management of Tuberculosis in the SADC Region

Overview and Objectives

URC provided technical assistance in six countries to monitor and evaluate programmatic data with the Global Fund’s (GF’s) Data Quality Audit Tool. The tool helps GF programs check that appropriate data management systems are in place, verify the quality of reported data for key indicators at sites, and use findings to identify capacity-building and systems-strengthening needs. Data quality audits support the GF’s performance-based funding system.

Key activities included:

  • Supporting the development of regional standards for the prevention, control, treatment, and management of tuberculosis
  • Conducting program/site reviews to confirm that appropriate data management systems are in place
  • Performing spot checks to determine whether beneficiaries received services as reported
  • Conducting targeted assessments of monitoring and evaluation systems and verify data 
  • Using audit findings to identify needs for capacity building and systems strengthening
  • Developing recommendations for improvements based on audit findings


Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania


Health Systems Strengthening, Quality Improvement, Tuberculosis

Southern African Development Community (SADC)

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