National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
Overview and Objectives
Significant responsibilities for all aspects of NCADI, the nation’s primary resource for information about substance abuse prevention and treatment, including marketing and outreach, bilingual call center, library and database services, publications and web development, inventory and warehouse management for the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP).
URC supported all service areas and managed its outreach component, which linked the clearinghouse, its customers, and the intermediary organizations that help the clearinghouse expand its reach. URC social marketing experts developed and implemented communication strategies; prepared and disseminated educational and promotional materials; promoted multicultural and media outreach; and liaised with hundreds of national, state, and local organizations.
Played a lead role in developing a highly successful bilingual public education campaign to respond to the devastating impact of substance abuse on the Hispanic/Latino population: Produced health communication materials and disseminated more than 2 million copies and developed websites that received more than 2 million hits per month.