URC, working with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), is identifying the main drivers of the high prevalence of stunting in children 0-59 months of age through the collection of data on the prevalence and consequences of stunting in Timor-Leste...
URC is supporting the government of Eswatini to reduce the number of new HIV, TB, and sexually transmitted infections among UEDF members, their families, and the civilian communities served by UEDF health services. The UEDF Health Services is working to achieve 95-95-95 UNAIDS targets...
Aims to strengthen TB interventions at the regional, local government, and community levels to increase TB case detection and treatment success rates. TB Platforms works in three regions – National Capitol Region, Region 4A and Region 3 – and Marawi City...
The Challenge Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important public health problem in Georgia. Despite significant progress in the implementation of TB control interventions during the last decade, the country faces a number of important challenges that require further intensified and streamlined efforts to effectively control the epidemic by securing universal access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment...
Contracted by UNICEF, Regional Office of South Asia (ROSA) to provide technical support to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka country offices to implement and scale up quality improvement (QI) for Newborn Health Care in South Asia projects.
As a subcontractor to FHI 360, URC leads quality improvement (QI) activities and ensures QI is integrated into the overall program in the targeted provinces to address systemic issues that affect the delivery of HIV services in order to meet the UNAID’s 90-90-90 goals...
USAID/Uganda uses an integrated health system strengthening approach for primary health care, in line with Uganda’s Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan. RHITES-N, Acholi is one of five USAID/Uganda activities focused on comprehensive regional health and HIV/AIDS programs...
The Challenge In 2012, the world cancer research fund international estimated that lung cancer accounted for 13% of 14.1 million cancer cases globally. Although lung cancer risk factors are present in the Kingdom of Eswatini and cancers are the sixth main cause of death nationally, the prevalence of lung cancer is still unknown. From anecdotal...
This five-year project has a central goal of increasing TB case detection and treatment success to 90% of all cases to end the TB epidemic in Uganda. It provides technical assistance to the Uganda Ministry of Health and the National TB and Leprosy Program (NTLP) and strengthens the health systems for TB service delivery...
[pods]{@ID,get_the_post_thumbnail_caption}[/pods] The Challenge Focus on addressing the danger to global health security posed by the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Overview and Objectives From 2017 to 2019, URC, as a subcontractor to Jacobs, supported implementation of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) in Vietnam. URC provided in-country support to...